Love wallpapers (B)

"Love seeketh not itself to please, nor for itself hath any care, but for another gives its ease, and builds a heaven in hell's despair." - William Blake 

Love wallpapers (A)

I am painting the most important thing in this world love.

Love is a hole in the heart that needs a lifetime to fill


Love wallpapers

1. With love, the impossible becomes possible.
2. Love is the only universal language. It requires no words to understand.
3. Just before we die, nothing else matters in this world, except love.
4. Love and happiness go hand in hand.
5. Hate makes you blind, while love makes you see.
6. Love and hate are opposites. If people say love is the most important thing in the world, then what is hate?
7. Love gives life and hate destroys it.
8. You can never destroy the ones you love, only the ones you hate. So the only way to avoid destruction is to love.
9. Love is the only water that can quench the heart's thirst.
10. E=MC² (the energy of love equals the amount of love or mass times the speed of light squared)
11. Love needs to display all its entire splendor, like a peacock, before it can be appreciated.
12. With love, words are not enough; it must be followed by loving actions.
Quotes above by : David Kam


Beauty In Pure Sence

A pure sense of beauty from south Indian heat, an ideal female face......... Kajal , 

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